The Apericena Revolution in Turin

The Dawn of an Icon: The Apericena Revolution in Turin

From Pioneers to Innovators: The Journey of Lobelix

In the heart of Turin, back in 1999, three young men from Puglia, Salvatore, Pino, and Amedeo, brought to life Lobelix, a venue that would become a landmark in the city’s gastronomic scene. Founders of a revolutionary idea, they introduced the buffet apericena, a total novelty at the time, marking a before and after in the culture of shared food and drink.

Over the years, Lobelix has never stopped evolving. It has continued to reinvent itself, bringing a breath of fresh air to Turin’s apericena scene. Today, the venue is synonymous with “Shared Apericena,” a concept that elevates sharing to an art form, thanks to innovative custom-made “alzatine,” designed to bring friends and families together around the pleasure of taste.

After a complete renovation, Lobelix shines in a new light, immersing its guests in a unique environment inspired by cinema and enriched with English Fusion style. This is not just a venue, but an immersive experience, where every detail, from cocktails to dishes, is designed to surprise and delight.

Book your table now and become part of the story of Lobelix, where tradition and innovation meet to offer you unforgettable moments.

Why Lobelix?

The name “Lobelix” derives from a distinctive symbol of Turin: the obelisk of the Siccardi laws that stands in Piazza Savoia. This monument is not just a piece of history but a reference point that embodies the spirit of freedom and renewal. The obelisk, with its deep roots in the city’s history, evokes a sense of belonging and continuity.

Curiously, the obelisk was once at the center of controversies and debates, just as Lobelix has managed to create discussions around its innovative apericena concepts. This ability to be at the center of attention is also reflected in the Lobelix logo, where the word is crossed by a golden ellipse. This detail is not accidental: “Elix” plays with the double meaning of ellipse and integral part of the name, symbolizing the union and innovation that characterize the venue.

Discover more about how Lobelix continues to be a beacon of creativity and sharing in the heart of Turin. Book your experience and let yourself be involved in the magic of a place where every visit becomes a memory to cherish.